This historic building located at the corner of Market and Second Streets is one of the most historic buildings in Historic Downtown Lewisburg, PA. With almost 5,000 square foot the building includes three large apartments and one prime business office.
It Can Be Cheaper To Live In A Small Town
The median price of a New York City one-bedroom apartment clocks in at $3300 per month, but if you want to live in one of the smaller towns and cities around Pennsylvania, you could find a fantastic place for just $950.00 per month in Lewisburg. Move your business in one unit, live in another unit and have the other two units pay your mortgage!
Getting a car used to be a teenager’s dream, but many millennia’s don’t want the bother of monthly payments, maintenance and insurance. In larger cities you can easily get around on scooter and bikes, or you can use public trains and buses. Sure, you can still pilot scooters and bikes in small towns, but you may face longer distances between offices and stores. The pace of living is slower, though, so walking might be a welcome detour. In Lewisburg, Pa you can walk to schools, business, banks, theaters, groceries and drug stores and almost anything you need.
Big cities are promoting micro-houses; small towns have lots of space. You may be squished into a 450 square-foot efficiency in New York, but your two-bedroom apartment in Lewisburg, Pa may be almost 1,500 square feet with 10 foot ceilings and less expensive.
As we mentioned above, housing is a huge issue in major cities. Today, the larger the city — New York, Washington, Philadelphia— the more expensive your rent is going to be and your place is going to be tiny.
Moving to a smaller city will afford you the opportunity to get more space for your family. And maybe you can finally plant that garden you’ve always dreamed of. Or just buy from the Amish or one of our many farmers markets.
We already talked about the traffic nightmares in huge cities. And if you’re commuting for work, you might be driving two hours every single day in New York or New Jersey.
If you move to a smaller city, you’ll free up many hours of each day by avoiding a bumper-to-bumper commute. What could you do with two extra hours in each day? Start a business? See your family more? Get more work done? In a smaller city, this is the norm.
That said, a major factor that makes living in a smaller city so amazing is the lifestyle. Simply put, you get the best of both worlds. In a huge city, you’ll be up late because of sirens or bars letting out across the street from your apartment. While in a smaller city, you’ll be able to get away from the hustle of your downtown area and relax each and every night. And if you really miss the sounds and sights of a bigger city, you can always take a weekend trip with your family. New York is 3 ½ hours up Interstate 80. But in terms of day-to-day lifestyle, Lewisburg will provide plenty of activities to enjoy locally.
Before you make any move, take an extended vacation to your proposed new location. A slower, rural lifestyle may be just the thing for you. And if you’re struggling to save money and navigate through the age-old rent vs. own debate, perhaps a smaller city is just what you need. Own this building, open your business in a thriving downtown, live in one of the units and let the other 2 units pay your mortgage.
In these challenging times of economic uncertainty, it’s good to know you have a local partner to personally help you navigate thru it. Call us we’re here for you.